재산 양도소득세(Capital Gains or Losses)

By | August 21, 2013

Capital Gains or Losses.

일반적으로 재산(Asset)은 Capital Asset 과 Non Capital Asset 으로 구분될 수 있다.

Capital Asset 은 사업목적이 아닌 개인적으로 가지고 있는 재산을 말하며, 집과 같은 일반재산과     투자목적으로 가지고 있는 주식이나 부동산등을 포함한다.  예를 들면, 개인이 투자목적으로 가지고 있는 주식은 Capital Asset 이지만,  증권회사에서 사업목적상 가지고 있는 주식은 Non Capital Asset 이다.

Capital Asset 을 팔았을 때 생기는 소득을 Capital Gain 이라 하고, 그에 대한 Tax 는 Capital Asset 을 보유한 기간(1년 이상이면 Long Term, 1년 이하이면 Short Term)    에 따라, 그리고 소득의 크기에 따라 세율이 다르지만 다른 소득세보다 세율이 현저히 낮다.


Capital Gains and Losses are recognized when you sell or dispose of an asset (property, stock, bonds, other securities, collectables, etc.)  Here are some facts you should know about capital gains and losses.

• When you sell a capital asset, you should know the original price.  It also referred to as “basis”.  The difference between the amounts you sold it for and your basis is the capital gain or capital loss.  So let’s say you purchased a stock XYZ for $25 (basis) and sold it for $45, you now have $20 of capital gain ($45-$25)

• If it’s an investment related asset (like a Real Estate that you rent out), you may only deduct capital losses on investment property.  So if you had investment capital loses, you will not be able to deduct it on property held for personal use.

• Depending on how long you held the asset before the sale, you might have a short-term or a long-term capital gain or loss. If you hold the asset for more than one year, your capital gain or loss is a long-term and contrary, if you held it one year or less, your capital gain or loss is a short-term.

• You pay different taxes on capital gains.  If it’s a short-term capital gain, your marginal tax rate (your current tax bracket) is used to calculate the tax.  If it’s a long-term capital gain, then different rates apply; from 0% to 20% and in some cases the tax rate can be as high as 28%.  For 2012 for lower-income individuals, the rate may be 0% on some or all of the net capital gains.

• If your personal capital losses are over your capital gains (net capital loss), the excess can be deducted on your individual income tax return form 1040.  Use Schedule D to report your transactions.  Note that you can only deduct the maximum annual limit of $3,000 for married couple filing jointly or $1,500 if you are individual or married filing separately.